Lovely everlasting Mother’s Day flowers

This year I got to celebrate my 18th Mother’s Day and remember the journey of motherhood to this day. Even as a pretty young girl, I probably hoped to become a mother one day. I remember always dreaming of one day having a family of my own and several children, […]

Happiness is an attitude

“What is happiness at its core? Often, happiness is imagined as something that needs to be constantly pursued from some future point, more and more. The mindset of “I will be happy when…” is probably familiar to you as well. But is happiness somehow “complete” or full when that new […]

How to Make Money with a Blog

Earning money through blogging is certainly a familiar concept for many, as news and information about the opportunity have surfaced in the media at some point. There are influencers who make a living through their blogs. However, achieving significant or even sufficient income solely through blogging is not an instant […]

How to Start Working as a Virtual Assistant

Are you dreaming of a work-from-home job? Are you adept with office software and virtual tools? Or perhaps, you want to switch careers and bring together family, home, and work under one roof. Being a virtual assistant is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world, as more and more businesses require […]

What if you only had six months left to live?

Take a moment to engage in a little thought experiment and consider the question, “What if you only had six months left to live?” This isn’t about a gloomy medical prognosis, just a playful exploration of what you would do if the finiteness of life were certain and immediate. I […]

End Stress – Schedule a Meeting with Yourself

The essence and reasons behind work-related stress have been on my mind a lot this fall. I find myself easily stressing about work-related matters, overthinking challenges with clients and partners, and various unfinished aspects of projects and assignments. There are mornings when I wake up realizing I’ve been working through […]

Turning 40 – Wondering what I’ll be when I grow up

Could I finally be facing the infamous 40s crisis? It was expected, and yet I’ve been mostly pondering what this crisis should feel like. The crisis seems to be about “not knowing what I want and desiring something new from life.” Specifically, my job description and profession are once again […]

Hi, I’m Heidi from Finland

So nice that you found my blog. I’m Heidi, a digital entrepreneur, remote work pioneer, and a mother of three boys from Finland. My family consists of boys aged 5, 12, and 17 (2023), along with my husband. The youngest of our boys is a child with special needs. My […]

Sometimes It’s Okay to Say NO

Do you find it challenging to say NO most of the time? It’s difficult, but based on my own experience, it’s a skill that can be learned. I’ve always been a really “nice” person, meaning I’ve always agreed to almost everything, even if reason and my inner mind said otherwise. […]

Positivity Sucks – Or Does It?

I’ve heard this saying somewhere many times, probably even encountered it on various products in stores (e.g., mugs). Every day, there seems to be the same negative attitude coming from somewhere: complaining in the news, griping on social media, people complaining in stores. Finns, in general, tend to be a […]

My C-Section Experience

After much consideration, I decided to briefly share my unique C-section experience, hoping that expecting mothers who are seeking information and considering a possible C-section might find this valuable. My intention isn’t to lean toward any particular direction, but to illustrate that things can happen this way too. Deciding on […]

What no one told you about parenthood

I paused to ponder the time before children, now that my eldest son has just turned 14. Where did time go when I was in my twenties? What is different now in practice? I found five points that probably apply to most families and their everyday life. Take it with […]

When tinnitus disrupted my everyday life

I went skiing about three weeks ago after a long time, and for some reason, since then, I’ve had a constant buzzing in my left ear day and night. Of course, something unpleasant always follows when there’s a bit of enjoyment! Initially, I ignored the buzzing; I thought it was […]

The Law of Attraction – Can Willpower Get You Everything You Desire?

I don’t read books except for scientific ones. However, among my few books, I found this interesting and thought-provoking piece, ‘The Power’ by Rhonda Byrne, who asserts that by harnessing the power within every individual, one can manifest everything they dream of in life. The Law of Attraction draws in […]

What on earth is happening to the Finnish weather?

In here Finland, In summer and winter, the wind can blow so hard that you fear the roof might fly away. No snow in sight, no mild “normal” summer days in sight… what on earth is happening? For several years now, summers have been troubled by this equation: when the […]

Dreaming of a Family Holiday in Lapland

The ultimate destination for a family vacation in Finland is, without a doubt, Lapland! I’m not sure if this term has been used before, but I’ve just coined it for myself: weather escape. Every year, the struggle through the dark winters gets worse. The mind is foggy, both internally and […]